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UVC Disinfection Equipment

There is a tremendous difference between Hospital Grade Equipment and generic equipment, which is best for you?

UVC disinfection equipment described as being "hospital grade or industrial grade" implies that the quality and effect are superior to retail products. Our Guardian Angel equipment line is truly hospital grade. The portable cabinet is made of high carbon stainless steel that rides on heavy duty wheels. The UVC disinfection lamps have high quality connections, safe crystal enclosures and heavy duty, efficient ballasts. The control panel uses Class A electronics to manage safety, exposure and power. 


UVC light (ultraviolet C-band spectrum) is universally recognized as the best method for surface disinfection. Ultraviolet light in the C-band of the light spectrum is (measured between 200 and 280 nanometers). Our UVC disinfection equipment emits a light frequency of 254 nanometers, the most damaging to pathogens (the germs that are most dangerous to humans and animals). The 254 frequency keeps viruses, bacteria, and fungal pathogens from reproducing. The ability to reproduce rapidly and spread throughout the body is what makes them dangerous.


UVC light must be of sufficient power to eradicate pathogens. The more intense the ultraviolet light exposure, the faster the damage. Extremely powerful UVC lamps work quickly but they can be dangerous to humans and animals. We chose intensity levels that are quick but safe. Our STP-120 uses four powerful 254 frequency, safe, low pressure lamps. These lamps are housed on two moveable fixtures, that can be aimed at the most important target areas in the room.  Hard to disinfect items like keyboards, phones, medical equipment, or other electronics, that cleaning staff seldom touch,  are thoroughly disinfected.


UVC ultraviolet light equipment has been limited to use in operating rooms, laboratories, and other high tech facilities. This technology has been very expensive, until recently. Improvements at manufacturing plants and higher volume has helped us to lower the price of UVC equipment. UVC light disinfection equipment can cost as much as $100,000. Our lower power application strategies allow us to use portable disinfection equipment, that produces the same results, over a slightly longer period of time, for between $1000 and $2000 per unit.

The Guardian Angel line of high quality, hospital grade or industrial grade, UVC disinfection equipment is now affordable for use in restaurants, schools, extended and long term care facilities, theaters, sports facilities, hotels and homes. 

Why pay the same or more for cheaply constructed, less safe UVC disinfection equipment, when you can buy quality!  Guardian Angel UVC disinfection equipment from Ultraviolet Light Technologies.

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